Since its founding in 1998, Pisces Environmental Services has successfully completed a broad variety of assignments, and its list of established clients provides testimony to its ability to design, implement, conduct and successfully conclude a wide range of projects, ranging from technical field surveys and baseline data collection, to sophisticated statistical analyses, reporting and public presentation of results.
The Company has acquired a reputation among its clients for reliable, efficient, and result-orientated work. Whenever acceptable to clients, its work is professionally peer-reviewed by an acknowledged and independent expert in the field concerned, and a number of studies have been published in the internationally reviewed scientific literature. Through its links with research and government institutions, universities and industry, the company keeps pace with advancements in marine sciences and technology, thereby applying up-to-date information and methodologies to its products.
Based on a broad range of experience, Pisces Environmental Services are well-positioned to offer the following services in the marine and coastal environment: