Other Minerals
- Prospecting permit application and EMPR compilation for the extraction of heavy mineral sands in the Geelwal Karoo area for the Australian-based company Mineral Sands Resources Ltd.
- Marine Specialist Studyand EIA Review for the proposed Tormin heavy mineral sands mining north of the Olifants River mouth for GCS.
- Marine Specialist Report for the EIA and EMP for proposed prospecting for shell and sand off Richard’s Bay, with AGES (Pty) Ltd.
- Marine Baseline Report for the proposed Cacata Phosphate Project in Cabinda Province, Angola, with Prime Resources (Pty) Ltd.
- Marine Specialist Report for the EIA and EMP for shore-based operations associated with the proposed Namibian Marine Phosphates project, withEnviroDynamics cc.
- Marine Specialist Statement on the potential benthic impacts of proposed offshore sampling for heavy minerals, with CCA Environmental.
- Marine Specialist Statement on the potential effects of the discharge of bitterns from the proposed Cape Cross Salt Works, for Gecko Salt Namibia.
- Marine Ecology Specialist Statement on the potential effects of blasting at the Wlotzkasbaken Ridge Quarry, for Gecko Salt Namibia.
- Marine ecology Specialist Assessment for Environmental Screening Study for the proposed Development of a Bittern Beneficiation pond and Associated Infrastructure at the Walvis Bay Salt Works, Walvis Bay, Namibia, for SLR Environmental Consulting (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd.
- Marine ecology Specialist Statement as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan for Salt Mining at Mile 68 within EPL 4426, Erongo Region, for Gecko Salt Namibia.
- Marine Ecology Specialist Assessment as part of the Basic Assessment for a mining permit Heavy Minerals, Northern Cape. For PHS Consulting on behalf of Whale Head Minerals (Pty) Ltd.