Other Minerals


South Africa

  • PISCES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (PTY) LTD, 2003.  Tormin Mineral Sands Project: Environmental Management Programme Report for Prospecting for Heavy Minerals in the surf-zone and admiralty strip concessions opposite Farm Geelwal Karoo 262.  EMPR prepared for Mineral Sands Resources (Pty) Ltd., July 2003. 41 pp.
  • PISCES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (PTY) LTD, 2004.  Pending Application 5/2/2/812: Tormin Mineral Sands Project.  Application for a Prospecting Permit for Heavy Minerals in the sea shore area adjoining Farm Geelwal Karoo 262 in the Vredendal Magisterial District.  Application prepared for Mineral Sands Resources (Pty) Ltd., August 2004. 27pp. + Appendices.
  • PISCES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (PTY) LTD, 2004.  Pending Application 5/2/2/812: Tormin Mineral Sands Project.EIA and EMPR for prospecting for Heavy Minerals in the sea shore area adjoining Farm Geelwal Karoo 262 in the Vredendal Magisterial District.  Prepared for Mineral Sands Resources (Pty) Ltd., December 2004. 73pp. + Appendices.
  • PULFRICH, A., 2011.  Marine Specialist Statement on the potential benthic impacts of proposed sampling for heavy minerals in De Beers Consolidated Mines’ Prospecting Right Areas off the west coast of South Africa.  Prepared for AuruMar (Pty) Ltd on behalf of CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd.  April 2011. 45pp.
  • PULFRICH, A., 2011.  The Potential Impacts of Heavy Mineral Sands Mining on Sandy-Beach and Rocky Shore Communities - Specialist Study (September 2011).  In: GCS (October 2011), Tormin Mineral Sands Project: EIA Amendment in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998). Prepared for Mineral Sands Resources (Pty) Ltd.
  • PULFRICH, A., 2012.  Marine Specialist Report on the potential impacts of proposed prospecting and sampling for sand and shell off Richard’s Bay, South Africa.  Report to AGES (Pty) Ltd, Pretoria, January 2012, 50pp.
  • PULFRICH, A., 2020.  Basic Assessment as part of the Application for a Mining Permit for Heavy Minerals, Northern Cape.  Marine Ecology Assessment.  Prepared for PHS Consulting on behalf of Whale Head Minerals (Pty) Ltd. April 2020.  111pp.


  • PULFRICH, A., 2013.  Sandpiper Marine Project Environmental Impact Assessment.  The proposed land-based operations for the beneficiation of dredged phosphate rich sediments Walvis Bay: Marine Ecology Specialist Study.  Prepared for EnviroDynamics (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Namibian Marine Phosphates (Pty) Ltd.  January 2013. 179pp.
  • PULFRICH, A., 2015.  Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan for the Cape Cross Salt Works, Plant and Linear Infrastructure.  Marine Ecology Specialist Statement. Compiled for Gecko Salt Namibia, October 2015, 69pp.
  • PULFRICH, A., 2016.  Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan for the Wlotzkasbaken Ridge Quarry Project.  Marine Ecology Specialist Statement.  Compiled for Gecko Salt Namibia, October 2016, 27pp.
  • PULFRICH, A., 2019.  Environmental Screening Study for the proposed Development of a Bittern Beneficiation pondand Associated Infrastructureat the Walvis Bay Salt Works,Walvis Bay, Namibia.  Marine Ecology Specialist Study.  Compiled for SLR Environmental Consulting (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd on behalf of Walvis Bay Salt Holdings, March 2019. 97pp.
  • PULFRICH, A., 2019.  Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan for Salt Mining at Mile 68 within EPL 4426, Erongo Region.  Marine Ecology Specialist Statement.  Compiled for Philip Hooks on behalf of Gecko Salt (Pty) Ltd.  May 2019. 75pp.


  • PULFRICH, A., 2012.  Marine Baseline Report for the proposed Cacata Phosphate Project in Cabinda Province, Angola.  Prepared for Mongo Tando Limited, on behalf of Prime Resources (Pty) Ltd.  February 2012.  74pp.