Marine Living Resources
- Population dynamics and stock assessment of giant periwinkles Turbo sarmaticus, Turbo cidaris and Oxystelesinensis, in the southwestern Cape for M&CM.
- Evaluation of coastal fauna community composition and pesticide contamination levels in northern False Bay, Cape Town for AECI Operations Services.
- Economic study of the South African pelagic longline and abalone fishing sectors, for EFA.
- Evaluation of shark by-catches in southern African shark longline fisheries, for EFA.
- A review of information relevant to development of effective co-operative arrangements for the management of shared fish stocks in the SADC region, for EFA.
- Economic Assessment of the South African Abalone Fishery, with EFA.
- Conducting of a benthic community baseline diving survey in the Cape Peninsula National Park marine zone, for SA National Parks.
- Conducting of Fisheries Independent Abalone Surveys (FIAS) for Marine & Coastal Management, and comparative abalone diving survey for the abalone industry.
- Development and management of a Fisheries Independent Monitoring Survey (FIMS), and small-scale mark-and-recapture experiment for rock lobsters off the southern Namibian coastline, for De Beers Marine Namibia.
- Management of an infra-red aerial photographic survey of the southern Namibian kelp beds, for De Beers Marine Namibia.
- Marine Specialist inputs into technical report on the Environmental Flow Requirements of the Fish River and the Orange-Senqu River Mouth with CSIREnvironmentek.
- Marine Specialist Report and risk assessment for a proposed abalone ranching pilot project along the Northern Cape Coast, with Steffani Marine Environmental Consultant.
- Risk Assessment as part of an application for restricted activities involving listed threatened or protected turtle species, for NMMU.
- Marine Specialist Report for the proposed Saldanha Bay Aquaculture Development zone, with CapMarine Environmental and SRK Consulting.
- Strategic Environmental Assessment for Mariculture Development in South Africa, with CSIR.
- Specialist Statement on the impacts of beach driving in the Arniston area, for SLR Consulting.
- Specialist study for the proposed expansion of the I&J Abalone farm at Danger Point, for SLR Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd.
- Marine Ecology and Fisheries Specialist Study for the development of floating kelp farms off the southern Namibian coastline, with Namisun (in progress).
- The entrainment of kelp and jellyfish as possible safety risks to Koeberg Nuclear Power Station. For SRK Consulting (awarded).