Hydrocarbon Industry
South Africa
- PULFRICH, A., 1999. Environmental Baseline Report: SouthAfricanWest CoastForest Oil International Block 2 Concession. Baseline Report to Sue Lane & Associates, 92pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2010. Environmental Management Programme for the Proposed Seismic Survey in Blocks 2931c, 2931b,2932a and 2932c, East Coast, South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Silver Wave Energy (Pte) LtdMay 2010. 63pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2010. Environmental Management Programme for the Proposed Seismic Survey in the Pletmos Inshore Area off the South Coast of South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. On behalf of Bayfield Energy Limited. June 2010. 63pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2011. Marine Specialist Statement: Changes in proposed scheduling of seismic survey in Block 2A. Prepared for Forest Exploration International (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. May 2011. 20pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2011. Environmental Management Programme for Proposed Seismic and Controlled Source Electromagnetic Surveys in Licence Block 5/6, South-West Coast, South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of PetroSA. August 2011. 128pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2012. Environmental Impact Assessment for a Proposed 2D Seismic Survey Programme Offshore of the South African West Coast - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Spectrum ASA. April 2012. 126pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2012. Environmental Management Plan for a Proposed 2D Seismic Survey off the East Coast of South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of CGG Veritas Services. May 2012. 93pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2012. Addendum to the Environmental Management Programme for the Proposed Seismic Survey in the Pletmos Inshore Area off the South Coast of South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. June 2012. 36pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2012. Interim Lease-Specific Environmental Management Programme Report for Conducting Seismic Surveys in Petroleum Licence Block 3b/4b situated off the West Coast of South Africa. Updated Baseline and Environmental Impact Assessment of Marine Fauna. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of BHP Billiton. July 2012. 116pp.
- PULFRICH, A., ELWEN, S & T. GRIDLEY, 2012. Environmental Impact Assessment for a Proposed 2D and 3D Seismic Survey Programme in Block 1 off the South African West Coast - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of PetroSA. September 2012. 115pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2012. Environmental Management Programme Report for a speculative 2D Seismic Survey off the South and East Coasts of South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of PGS. September 2012. 106pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2012. Environmental Management Programme Report for a speculative 2D Seismic Survey off the South Coast of South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Total E&P South Africa (Pty) Ltd. September 2012. 111pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2012. Environmental Management Programme Report for a proposed 2D Seismic Survey off the East Coast of South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Sasol Petroleum International (Pty) Ltd. October 2012. 102pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2013. Environmental Management Programme for proposed oil and gas exploration activities in the Tugela North area, off the East Coast of South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Impact Africa Limited. January 2013. 122pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2013. Environmental Management Programme Report for proposed exploration activities in the West Bredasdorp Block, off the South Coast of South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for ERM (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Impact Africa Limited. January 2013. 121pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2013. Environmental Management Programme for proposed oil and gas exploration activities in Licence Block 2C, West Coast, South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Anadarko South Africa (Pty) Ltd. February 2013. 129pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2013. EIA Addendum for proposed extension of 2D Seismic Survey off the West Coast of South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment Addendum. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Spectrum ASA. March 2013. 10pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2013. Environmental Management Programme for proposed Oil and Gas Exploration activities in the Tugela North Area, off the East Coast of South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Impact Africa Limited. March 2013. 107pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2013. Environmental Management Plan for a proposed speculative 2D seismic survey off the South Coast of South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Petroleum Geo-Services (PGS). April 2013. 107pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2013. Environmental Management Programme for a proposed Seafloor Geochemical Sampling Programme in Licence Blocks 5/6 (Er #224) and 7 (Er #228), South-West Coast, South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Impact Africa Limited. May 2013. 67pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2013. Environmental Management Programme Report for proposed exploration activities in the Transkei and Algoa Blocks, off the East Coast of South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for ERM (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Impact Africa Limited. May 2013. 122pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2013. Environmental Management Programme Report for proposed exploration activities in the East Algoa Exploration Area, off the East Coast of South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for ERM (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of OK Energy Limited. May 2013. 126pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2013. Environmental Management Programme Report for proposed exploration activities in the Northwest Pletmos Exploration Area, off the South Coast of South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for ERM (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of OK Energy Limited. May 2013. 120pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2013. Environmental Management Plan for proposed exploration activities in the Deepwater Durban Exploration Area, off the East Coast of South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for ERM (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of ExxonMobil Exploration and Production South Africa Limited. December 2013. 129pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2014. Basic Assessment and Environmental Management Programme for Well Drilling in the Orange Basin Deepwater Block off the South African West Coast. Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Shell South Africa Upstream B.V. January 2014. 152pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2014. Environmental Baseline Description of Block 11B/12B off the South Coast of South Africa. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Total E&P South Africa (Pty) Ltd. January 2014. 54pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2014. Environmental Management Programme Report: Amendment for Seabed Sampling in Block 1, off the South African West Coast. Marine Benthic Assessment. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Cairn South Africa (Pty) Ltd. February 2014. 75pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2014. Environmental Impact Assessment for a proposed speculative 2D Seismic Survey in the Orange Basin off the South African West Coast: Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for ERM (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of New African Global Energy South Africa (Pty) Ltd. February 2014. 134pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2014. Environmental Management Programme for proposed oil and gas exploration activities in the Technical Co-operation Permit 57 Exploration Area, off the East Coast of South Africa: Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for Environmental Impact Management Services (Pty) Ltd on behalf of Silver Wave Energy Pte Ltd. February 2014. 133pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2014. Environmental Management Programme for proposed oil and gas exploration activities in the Technical Co-operation Permit 56 Exploration Area, off the Eastern Cape, South Africa: Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for Environmental Impact Management Services (Pty) Ltd on behalf of Silver Wave Energy Pte Ltd. February 2014. 142pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2014. Environmental Management Programme for proposed oil and gas exploration activities in the Technical Co-operation Permit 55 Exploration Area, off the Western Cape South Coast, South Africa: Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for Environmental Impact Management Services (Pty) Ltd on behalf of Silver Wave Energy Pte Ltd. February 2014. 142pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2014. Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed Well Stimulation in the F-O Field, Offshore of Mossel Bay. Marine Specialist Assessment. Prepared for WorleyParsons. on behalf of Petroleum Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa Limited (PetroSA). February 2014. 117pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2014. Amendment to the Environmental Impact Assessment for the iBhubezi Gas Project. Marine Specialist Assessment for the proposed subsea gas transfer pipeline. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd on behalf of Sunbird Energy (Pty) Ltd. March 2014. (Draft).
- PULFRICH, A., 2014. Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Programme for Well Drilling in Block 1 off the South African West Coast. Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Cairn South Africa Limited. October 2014. 176pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2014. Amendment to the Environmental Management Programmefor hydrocarbon exploration activities in the Tugela South Exploration Area off the East Coast of South African: Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for ERM (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of ExxonMobil Exploration and Production South Africa Limited.April 2014. 135pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2014. Environmental Management Plan for Proposed Oil and Gas Exploration Activities in Block 3A/4A, off the West Coast of South Africa. Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for Jeffares & Green (Pty) Ltd on behalf of PetroSA (Pty) Ltd. July 2014. 165pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2014. Environmental Management Plan for proposed Bathymetry Surveys and Seabed Sediment Sampling in Block 11b/12B, off the South Coast of South Africa. Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of TOTAL Exploration & Production South Africa B.V.. December 2014. 83pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2015. Environmental Impact Assessment for the iBhubesi Gas Project. Marine Specialist Assessment. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Sunbird Energy Ltd. March 2015. 136pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2015. Environmental Impact Assessment for proposed Oil and Gas Exploration Activities in various inshore blocks, off the Southwest Coast of South Africa. Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Rhino Oil and Gas Exploration South Africa (Pty) Ltd. August 2015, 150pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2015. Environmental Impact Assessment for proposed Oil and Gas Exploration Activities offshore of the Southwest Coast of South Africa. Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Rhino Oil and Gas Exploration South Africa (Pty) Ltd. August 2015, 125pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2015. Environmental Impact Assessment for proposed Exploration Well Drilling In Block 2B off the West Coast of South Africa. Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Thombo Petroleum Ltd. October 2015, 177pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2016. Scoping and Environmental Impact Assessment for a proposed 2D and 3DSeismic Survey off the Southwest Coast of South Africa. Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Spectrum ASA. January 2016, 128pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2017. Environmental Impact Assessment for a 3D Seismic Survey in the Pletmos Basin, Southern Cape : Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for SRK Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of SunguSungu Group. March 2017, 122pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2017. Environmental Management Plan for Speculative 2Dand 3D Seismic Surveys off the South and East Coast of South Africa. Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for SLR Environmental Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of PGS. May 2017, 136pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2017. Environmental Impact Assessment for an Offshore Seismic Survey in the Orange Basin Deep Block, West Coast. Marine Faunal Specialist Assessment. Prepared for SRK Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd. July 2017. pp125.
- PULFRICH, A., 2018. Proposed Speculative 2D and 3D Seismic Surveys off the South and East Coast of South Africa: Environmental Management Plan Amendment for Speculative 3D Seismic Survey Offshore of Kwazulu-Natal. Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for SLR Environmental Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of PGS. January 2018, 124pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2018. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for a proposed exploration drilling campaign within Block ER236 off the East Coast of South Africa. Marine and Coastal Ecology Assessment. Prepared for ERM Southern Africa Limited on behalf of ENI South Africa. November 2018. 198pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2018. Environmental Management Plan for Proposed Speculative 2D and 3D Seismic Surveys off the South and West Coasts of South Africa. Marine Faunal Assessment.Prepared for SLR Environmental Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of PGS. October 2018, 153pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2018. Environmental Management Plan for Proposed Speculative 2D Seismic Survey off the South Coast of South Africa. Marine Faunal Specialist Assessment.Prepared for SLR Environmental Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Spectrum. 146pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2018. Application for Amendment of the EMPR regarding Well Completion Status following Exploration Well Drilling. Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for SLR Environmental Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Total Exploration and Production South Africa B.V. October 2018. 78pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2019. Additional environment impact studies in order to strengthen the current EMPr for Block 11B/12B. Marine Faunal Assessment for proposed 2D and 3D seismic surveys off the South Coast. Prepared for SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Total E&P South Africa B.V. October 2019. 158pp
- PULFRICH, A., 2020. Update of the Environmental Impact Assessment and EMP for Well Drilling in Block 11B/12B. Marine Faunal Assessment for drill cuttings discharge, and marine noise. Prepared for SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Total E&P South Africa B.V. January 2020. 73pp.
- PULFRICH, A., DE WET, A. & R. NEL, 2013. Environmental Management Programme for proposed Oil and Gas Exploration activities in the Tugela North and Tugela South Areas, off the East Coast of South Africa - Marine Faunal Assessment: Additional Memorandum Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Impact Africa Limited. October 2013. 53pp.
- PULFRICH, A., GRIDLEY, T. & S. ELWEN, 2013. Environmental Impact Assessment for a Proposed Speculative 2D Seismic Survey in the Orange Basin, off the South African West Coast. Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd on behalf of Spectrum ASA. October 2013. 128pp.
- PULFRICH, A., KARENYI, N. & S. ELWEN, 2014. Environmental Impact Assessment for proposed exploration activities in the Northern Cape Ultra-Deep Block, off the South African West Coast. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of OK Energy Limited. January 2014. 135pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2010. Environmental Impact Assessment for the Proposed Seismic Surveys in the Central Walvis Basin and Southern Orange Basin Areas, Namibia - Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of HRT Oil & Gas and Universal Power Corp. December 2010. 182pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2011. Environmental Impact Assessment for a Proposed Seismic Survey in the Central Walvis Basin Area, Namibia - Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Enigma Oil and Gas Exploration. July 2011. 101pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2011. Environmental Impact Assessment for a Proposed Seismic Survey in Licence Block 2914B, Southern Orange Basin Areas, Namibia - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Signet Petroleum Limited. December 2011. 108pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2012. Environmental Impact Assessment for a Proposed 2D Seismic Survey Programme in the Lüderitz and Orange Basins, Namibia - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Spectrum ASA. February 2012. 116pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2012. Review of the Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report for the Proposed 2D Seismic Survey in Block 2715, Orange-Luderitz Basin. Prepared for the Centre for Geoscience Research cc, Windhoek. August 2012, 10pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2013. Environmental Management Programme Report for a proposed 2D Seismic Survey in the Lüderitz Basin off the coast of Namibia - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of GeoPartners Limited. January 2013. 120pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2014. Environmental Impact Assessment for Namibia - 3D Seismic Survey for Blocks 2913a & 2914b (PEL 39): Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for ERM (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Shell South Africa Upstream BV. July 2014.
- PULFRICH, A., 2015. Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Programme for proposed Exploration Well Drilling In Licence Blocks 2613a and 2613b in the Lüderitz Basin off Southern Namibia. Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Murphy Lüderitz Oil Co. Ltd. April 2015. 158pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2015. Environmental Impact Assessment for a proposed Floating Storage Regasification Unit at Walvis Bay. Marine Ecology Specialist Study. Prepared for Envirodynamics on behalf of Xaris Energy Namibia (Pty) Ltd. July 2015, 160pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2016. Scoping and Environmental Impact Assessment for a Speculative 2D Seismic Survey Programme off the South Coast of Namibia. Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Spectrum Geo Limited. October 2016, 138pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2017. Scoping and Environmental Impact Assessment for a Proposed 3D Seismic Survey, off the coast of Northern Namibia. Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Spectrum Geo Limited. January 2017, 134pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2017. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Proposed Deep Water Exploration Well Drilling in Petroleum Exploration License 39 (Blocks 2913a and 2914b) in Namibia. Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Shell Namibia Upstream BV. 186pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2017. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Proposed Deep Water Exploration Well Drilling in Petroleum Exploration License 39 (Blocks 2913a and 2914b) in Namibia. Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Shell Namibia Upstream BV. 186pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2018. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Namibia 3D Seismic Survey for Blocks 2913A and 2914B (PEL39). Marine Faunal Assessment -- Revised. Prepared for ERM (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Shell Namibia Upstream BV. May 2018, 167pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2019. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Proposed Offshore Exploration Well Drilling in PEL83, Orange Basin, Namibia. Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Windhoek PEL28 B.V.,August 2019, 178pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2019. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Proposed Offshore Exploration Well Drilling in PEL82, Walvis Basin, Namibia. Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Windhoek PEL23 B.V.,August 2019, 168pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2019. Proposed 2D and 3D Seismic Surveys in Block 11B/12B off the South Coast of South Africa: Marine Faunal Assessment. Prepared for SLR Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd on behalf of TOTAL Exploration & Production South Africa B.V., October 2019, 158pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2020.Update of the Environmental Impact Assessment and EMP for Well Drilling in Block 11B/12B: Marine Faunal Specialist Assessment. Prepared for SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on behalf ofTOTAL Exploration & Production South Africa B.V., April 2020, 69pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2020. ECC Amendment Application for Exploration Well Drilling in PEL39 in Namibia Review and Evaluation of Marine Ecology Specialist Study Report. Prepared for SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Shell Namibia Upstream B.V. April 2020. 32pp.
- PULFRICH, A. & S. ELWEN, 2014. Environmental Impact Assessment for a proposed 3D seismic survey in Licence Blocks 2613A and 2613B, Lüderitz Basin, off the coast of Namibia. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Cowan Oil & Gas Limited. January 2014. 129pp.
- PULFRICH, A. & S. ELWEN, 2014. Environmental Impact Assessment for a proposed 2D seismic survey in Licence Block 2113A, Walvis Basin Basin, off the coast of Namibia. Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of NABIRM Energy Services (Pty) Ltd. December 2014. 130pp.
- PULFRICH, A., GRIDLEY, T. & S. ELWEN, 2012. Environmental Impact Assessment for a Proposed 2D Seismic Survey Offshore of Central Namibia - Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of Spectrum ASA. August 2012. 121pp.
- PULFRICH, A., GRIDLEY, T. & S. ELWEN, 2013. Proposed 3D and 2D seismic surveys in Licence Blocks 2012b, 2112a and 2113b, Walvis Basin, off the coast of Namibia. Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd on behalf of Tullow Kudu Limited. October 2013. 126pp.
- PULFRICH, A., KARENYI, N., ELWEN,S. & T. GRIDLEY, 2013. Environmental Impact Assessment for a Proposed Speculative 2D Seismic Survey in the Orange Basin, off the Coast of Namibia. Marine Faunal Assessment Prepared for CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd on behalf of Spectrum ASA. October 2013. 131pp.
- CARTER, R., WESTON, L., PULFRICH, A., STEFFANI, N., LANE, S., 2015. Palma Bay Marine Ecology IFC PS6 Critical Habitat s Assessment. Prepared for Anadarko Mozambique Area I Lda. Lwandle Technologies Report #LT-277/03: 60pp
- PULFRICH, A. & N. STEFFANI, 2013. Intertidal sand beaches and sand/mud flats. In CARTER R, S LANE & E KOCH, 2013: Anadarko and Eni LNG development, northern Mozambique – Marine Ecology Assessment. Specialist study report prepared for ERM, Southern Africa. 235pp.
- PULFRICH, A. & N. STEFFANI, 2013. Shallow coral reef and outcrops. In CARTER R, S LANE & E KOCH, 2013: Anadarko and Eni LNG development, northern Mozambique – Marine Ecology Assessment. Specialist study report prepared for ERM, Southern Africa. 235pp.
- PULFRICH, A. & N. STEFFANI, 2013. Fringing coral reef. In CARTER R, S LANE & E KOCH, 2013: Anadarko and Eni LNG development, northern Mozambique – Marine Ecology Assessment. Specialist study report prepared for ERM, Southern Africa. 235pp.
- PULFRICH, A., STEFFANI, C.A. & R. CARTER, 2014. AMA1 LNG – Post ESHIA Programme of Works. Biodiversity Baseline Survey of Coral Communities at Tecomaji Island, Palma Bay, Mozambique. Prepared for Lwandle Technologies (Pty) Ltd. October 2014. 39pp.
- PULFRICH, A., STEFFANI, C.A. & R. CARTER, 2014. AMA1 LNG – Post ESHIA Programme of Works. Quantitative Baseline Survey of the Nearshore Coral Reef Structures in Palma Bay, Mozambique. Prepared for Lwandle Technologies (Pty) Ltd. October 2014. 23pp.
- STEFFANI, C.N. & A. PULFRICH, 2012. ANADARKO & Eni LNG DEVELOPMENT NORTHERN MOZAMBIQUE: Wet Season Survey March 2012, Near- and Far-Field Coral Reef Baseline. Prepared by Lwandle Technologies for ERM (Pty) Ltd. 26pp.
- STEFFANI, C.N. & A. PULFRICH, 2012. Dry season seagrass and coral reef baseline survey at Palma, northern Mozambique. Specialist report prepared for Lwandle Technologies, Pty Ltd on behalf of Anadarko Petroleum Corporation. 46pp.
- STEFFANI, C.N. & A. PULFRICH, 2013. Seagrass distribution. In CARTER R, S LANE & E KOCH 2013: Anadarko and Eni LNG development, northern Mozambique – Marine Ecology Assessment. Specialist study report prepared for ERM, Southern Africa. 235pp.
- STEFFANI, N., PULFRICH, A. & R. CARTER, 2014. AMA1 LNG – Post ESHIA Programme of Works. Quantitative Intertidal Seagrass Baseline Survey in Palma Bay, Mozambique. Prepared for Lwandle Technologies (Pty) Ltd. January 2014. 28pp.
- STEFFANI, N., PULFRICH, A. & R. CARTER, 2014. AMA1 LNG – Post ESHIA Programme of Works. Quantitative Subtidal Seagrass Baseline Survey in Palma Bay, Mozambique. Prepared for Lwandle Technologies (Pty) Ltd. October 2014. 24pp.
- STEFFANI, N., PULFRICH, A. & R. CARTER, 2014. AMA1 LNG – Post ESHIA Programme of Works. Island intertidal mixed sand and rocky shore baseline surveys in Palma Bay, northern Mozambique Lwandle Technologies Report #LT-216/01. 44pp.
- STEFFANI, N., PULFRICH, A. & R. CARTER, 2014. AMA1 LNG – Post ESHIA Programme of Works. Coral transplant pilot study in Palma Bay, northern Mozambique – Phase 1. Lwandle Technologies Report #LT-220/01: 25pp.