Desalination and Power Plants
- Assessment of a proposed cooling water discharge from the Kudu Power Plant near Oranjemund, into the marine environment, for CSIR Environmentek.
- Assessment of a cooling water discharge on the marine environment, from the proposed 2400 MW gas-fired combined cycle power generator at Coega, for CSIR Environmentek.
- Assessment of an effluent discharge from proposed Reverse Osmosis Plants at the Multipurpose Terminal in Saldanha Bayand Swakopmund Namibia on the marine environment, for CSIR Environmentek.
- Specialist Marine Environmental Impact Assessment Study, baseline survey and Environmental Management Plan for the proposed Reverse Osmosis Plant for the Trekkopje Uranium Mine, Namibia, for Turgis Consulting (Pty) Ltd.
- Specialist Marine Environmental Impact Assessment Study, Baseline Survey and Environmental Management Plan for the proposed NamWaterReverse Osmosis Plant near Swakopmund, Namibia, for CSIR Environmentek.
- Marine Specialist Studyfor the proposed Saldanha Bay Desalination Plant, with CSIR Environmentek.
- Environmental Screening for Reverse Osmosis Plants in KwaZulu-Natal, with AureconSouth Africa (Pty) Ltd.
- Environmental Risk Analysis and Marine Specialist Studyas part of the Environmental Impact Assessment for Reverse Osmosis Plants in KwaZulu-Natal, with CSIREnvironmentek (in progress).
- Environmental Screening for Reverse Osmosis Plant in the greater Cape Town area, with CSIREnvironmentek and Steffani Marine Environmental Consultant.
- Marine Specialist Study for the proposed Desalination Plant at Volwaterbaai, withSRK.
- Marine Specialist Study for the proposed Frontier Saldanha Regional Marine Outfall, with CSIREnvironmentek.
- Marine Specialist Study for the proposed Rössing Mine Desalination Plant at the SwakopmundSaltworks, withSLR Namibia.
- Risk Assessment for the development of a desalination plant at the Walvis Bay Salt Works, with Namisun.
- Marine Specialist Study for the proposed development of a seawater reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant at the V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, with WSP Environmental.