Desalination and Power Plants
South Africa
- PULFRICH, A., 2015. Marine Environmental Impact Assessment for a proposed 150 Ml/day Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant at Lovu, Kwazulu-Natal. Prepared for CSIR Environmentek on behalf of Umgeni Water. April 2015. 124pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2015. Marine Environmental Impact Assessment for a proposed 150 Ml/day Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant at Tongaat, Kwazulu-Natal. Prepared for CSIR Environmentek on behalf of Umgeni Water. April 2015. 126pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2017. Analysis of Mussel Biofouling at the Koeberg Nuclear Power Station Seawater Intake. Specialist Statement prepared for WSP / Parsons Brinckerhoff, Coastal and Port Engineering on behalf of Eskom. February 2017. 14pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2020. Marine Ecology Assessment for the Proposed Development of a Reverse Osmosis desalination plant at the V&A Waterfront, Cape Town. Prepared for WSP Environmental (Pty) Ltd on behalf of the V&A Waterfront Precinct. February 2020. 68pp.
- PULFRICH, A. & C.N. STEFFANI, 2012. Marine Specialist Report on the Potential Impacts of a Seawater Intake Structure and a Brine Disposal System for a proposed Desalination Plant in the Saldanha Bay area. Prepared for CSIR Environmentek, December 2012. 157pp.
- PULFRICH, A. & N. STEFFANI, 2013. Marine Environmental Risk Assessment for proposed 150 Ml/day Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plants at Tongaat and Lovu, Kwazulu-Natal. Prepared for CSIR on behalf of Umgeni Water, 77 pp.
- PULFRICH, A. & N. STEFFANI, 2014. Marine Environmental Impact Assessment for the Seawater Intake Structure and Brine Disposal System of the Proposed Desalination Plant at Volwaterbaai, Northern Cape. Prepared for SRK Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd on behalf of Sedex Desalination (Pty) Ltd. July 2014. 129pp.
- PULFRICH, A. & S. WEERTS, 2012. Coarse Environmental Screening for Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plants at Mdloti and Lovu, Kwazulu-Natal. Prepared for Aurecon (Pty) Ltd on behalf of Umgeni Water, April 2012. 63pp.
- STEFFANI, C.N. & A. PULFRICH, 2014. Marine Environmental Risk Analysis of Potential Impacts of a Seawater Intake Structure and a Brine Disposal System for a proposed Desalination Plant in the City of Cape Town area. Prepared for CSIR. April 2014. 69pp.
- VAN BALLEGOOYEN, R., PULFRICH, A. & N. WEITZ, 2007. Marine Impact Assessment Specialist Study: Assessment of potential impacts associated with potential discharges from the proposed Ngqura Integrated LNG-to-Power Project. Joint CSIR/Pisces Report, CSIR/NRE/ECO/ER/2007/0???/C, ??pp (Draft).
- VAN BALLEGOOYEN, R., STEFFANI, N. & A. PULFRICH, 2007. Environmental Impact Assessment: Proposed Reverse Osmosis Plant, Iron–ore Handling Facility, Port of Saldanha - Marine Impact Assessment Specialist Study, Joint CSIR/Pisces Report, CSIR/NRE/ECO/ER/2007/0149/C, 190pp + 198pp App.
- PULFRICH, A., 2007. Intertidal sandy beach communities at Wlotzkasbaken, Namibia. Trekkopje Desalination Plant: Baseline Monitoring Report. Prepared for Turgis Consulting (Pty) Ltd, November 2007. 40pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2014. Environmental Impact Assessment for Rössing Uranium’s proposed Desalination Plant near Swakopmund, Namibia. Marine Ecology Specialist Study. Prepared for SLR Consulting Namibia (Pty) Ltd and Aurecon South Africa (Pty) Ltd on behalf of Rössing Uranium Limited. October 2014. 131pp.
- PULFRICH, A., 2020.Environmental Screening Study for the proposed Development of a Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant at the Walvis Bay Salt Works, Walvis Bay, Namibia. Prepared for Namisun Environmental Projects and Development on behalf of Walvis Bay Salt Holdings. January 2020. 109pp.
- PULFRICH, A. & C.N. STEFFANI, 2007. Marine Impact Assessment Specialist Study: Assessment of potential impacts associated with discharges from the proposed Trekkopje Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant. Prepared for Turgis Consulting (Pty) Ltd, October 2007. 123pp
- PULFRICH, A., STEFFANI, C.A. & H. DIEDERICKS, 2009. Marine Environmental Impact Assessment for the Seawater Intake Structure and Brine Disposal System of the Proposed Desalination Plant North of Swakopmund. Prepared for CSIR Environmentek on behalf of Namwater Ltd. 90pp.
- STEFFANI, C.N., 2008. Marine Baseline Study on the Potential Impacts of a Seawater Intake Structure and a Brine Disposal System for a Proposed Desalination Plant North of Swakopmund. Prepared for Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) on behalf of Pisces Environmental Services (Pty) Ltd. pp126.
- VAN BALLEGOOYEN, R.C., PULFRICH, A., STEFFANI, N. & A. PENNEY, 2005. Kudu Power Plant Environmental Impact Assessment: Assessment of a proposed cooling water discharge into the marine environment. CSIR Report ENV-S-C 2005-0??, 62pp+ 22 pp. Appendix.